Inniss Physical Therapy thanks each patient that has trusted their care to us.
Additional thanks are due to the esteemed Physical Therapists and supporting staff members that permitted Inniss PT to proudly serve San Diego throughout our rewarding years of practice. Moreover, Bruce and Leah Inniss express their gratitude to the physicians that have entrusted us with their patient rehabilitation needs.
Patients previously treated at Inniss Physical Therapy, or anyone who needs to contact the business, can reach Inniss Physical Therapy, as well as Bruce and Leah Inniss at: innisspt@sbcglobal.net
Darlene Schaeffer, PT, DPT – now operating Custom Care Physical Therapy – continues Inniss Physical Therapy’s tradition of combining a patient-centric approach and high-quality of care.
Bruce and Leah Inniss have the utmost confidence that any individual in need of physical therapy services would benefit from the care of Darlene Schaeffer, PT, DPT. This recommendation is based in part on observing her dedication, skill, aptitude and passion while working alongside, collaborating with, and receiving patients’ glowing feedback, as well as, at times, learning from Dr. Schaeffer throughout the last approximately-four-years, during which she served Inniss Physical Therapy’s diverse patient population.
Darlene received her Doctor of Physical Therapy from USC in 2003. She acquired her certified strength and conditioning specialist certificate, through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, in 2002. At UC Davis, she graduated with honors earning her Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science with emphasis in Physiology and a Minor in Nutrition Science with emphasis in biochemistry.
Some of her specialties include: sports medicine/sports related Injuries, orthopedics, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, geriatrics, neurological rehabilitation, vertigo/balance disorders and Epley maneuver. She is skilled in several manual techniques such as strain counter strain, muscle energy, cranial sacral therapy, joint manipulation, Mulligan, McKenzie and visceral manipulation. She looks forward to continuing the same outstanding quality of care that Inniss physical patients have become accustomed to.
To contact Dr. Darlene, feel free to email her at drdarlenedpt@gmail.com or you can call 619-287-4678. Please note that telephone number previously used for Inniss Physical Therapy * 619-287-4678 * has been transferred to Custom Care Physical Therapy and Darlene Schaeffer, PT, DPT. She is currently using a private space in the Mission Gorge area. For those who are concerned about social distancing due to COVID-19, she is currently treating patients one-on-one without any other interactions with other patients or other healthcare workers. She is going to great lengths to make all patients, especially high-risk, feel comfortable and safe in her care.
SEE BELOW for Dr. Darlene's LOCATION and more INFORMATION about Custom Care Physical Therapy
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